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“I swear by this app! It’s been so good. Especially for my sanity! I needed to know what was coming next. I’ve been following it for 3 months now and my daughter is now 6-months and sleeping well. Still a few tweaks to make (especially as we have just transitioned to a cot in her own room) but I know I have the help and guidance available with the app.” ~ Sammi
Sammi has been using our Program for the past 3-months and we were so delighted when she sent us this video of her little one self-settling.
Thank you, Sammi for your adorable video and wonderful review. We’re so happy to hear that our Sleep & Nutrition Program has helped your little one to self-settle and achieve better sleep. Keep up the great work! 🥰
✅ For more information or detailed advice for your little one’s sleep right from newborn to three years old, check out our Sleep Program.
See how we can help you and your family achieve better sleep here >